Becoming an entrepreneur requires not only focus, but determination . You can easily incorporate your small business online – but the behind the scenes organization, marketing, etc. of your business is a whole other story.
New terminology is increasingly making its way into today’s business world lexicon that provides a short description of what an entrepreneur does. Terms like “greenpreneur” and “solopreneur” provide a quick description of what kind of business an entrepreneur is in or how they operate. Small business people like the terms because it helps distinguish themselves from a crowded marketplace and more effectively network.
So what would be a good buzzword for you? It depends, there are many you could use. And quite possibly, more than one could be used to describe your operation.
Perhaps you are fresh out of college, or are wasting no time in delving into the business world – in which case, you could call yourself a “scholarpreneur” or “teenpreneur”. Or perhaps you love starting a business or are launching several different ventres at once, hence a “serial entrepreneur”.
Check out this handy article in for a more detailed description of this popular terminology at Starting Up: Entrpreneurial Buzzwords.
Whatever term you use to describe yourself, online incorporation service MaxFilings is here to help easily form your corporation online in just minutes. Our incorporation fees are very affordable, and free access to an extensive online incorporation library is available.