During the winter, the air in your home is much dryer and the humidity often gets lower than it should. Humidity levels drop because the heat coming from your furnace decreases the amount of moisture in the air.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends keeping home humidity level between 40 and 60 percent. If the humidity drops below 30 percent, viruses and bacteria begin to thrive in your home’s environment.
Check out these tips for keeping your indoor air quality and humidity at the proper level during the winter:
- Use a humidifier. This is a more obvious solution, but humidifiers are very effective for adding moisture into the air and into your nose and throat, helping your immune system fight off sickness.
- Change your air filters. Regularly changing your filters cuts down on allergens and dust, which helps to keep your air clean.
- Clean your ductwork. Dust and debris builds up in your air ducts, so it’s important to clean them out every few years to cut down on allergy reactions and sickness. Call an HVAC professional to do get the job done thoroughly.
- Open your windows. It may seem silly to open your windows when it’s cold outside, but letting some fresh air in for even a few minutes can make a big difference in your air quality.