Regardless of which sort of air conditioning system you have in your home or office, choosing the right refrigerant is a surprisingly important decision.
Here are a few things to consider when making the refrigerant decision for your HVAC system:
The Age of Your System
Older HVAC systems are likely to have used R-22 (Freon) in previous years. However, Freon is being phased out as a refrigerant option. If your system is older, keep in mind that some newer refrigerant’s operate at a higher pressure than Freon and could damage your air conditioner. It’s better to use R-407C or another option that acts similarly to Freon without the harsh affects.
Glide and Efficiency
Refrigerant’s with a higher glide temperature (difference between condensing and evaporating) are typically less efficient. It’s important to consider this factor when deciding on refrigerant.
Read further to learn more about your refrigerant options and choosing between them.